
Few more details to exclude confusion

Checking if the claim was successful

Sometimes OpenSea can require up to 1+ hours to update the ownership info. Their may not be quick for that.

However, the data on Polygonscan is accurate and shows if the item was actually transferred.

You can change <youraddress> here to the one you're reviewing and follow the link: https://polygonscan.com/address/<youraddress>

Check out the screencast below for more info on how to use Polygonscan 🎥 Screencast:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KrQIcM8JKz7ux39n4o3u3EfvIIRQIdGF/view?usp=sharing

Misc: item visibility after claim

As far as the item appears on OpenSea - it will appear in "Hidden" tab. It’s just the way marketplaces render items from blockchain and isn’t connected with any item data itself. To make the items visible in Collected tab, you simply need to press “...” button on it, select “Unhide” and approve this action in Metamask.

Last updated