Claim methods

The following methods of SDK can be used both in a back-end and a front-end applications, as they don't require providing sensitive campaign keys to invoke them.

Redeeming Link

const txHash = await sdk.redeem(
  claimCode: string,
  destination: string

The redeem method is used to redeem a claim link, transferring the specified tokens to the recipient address.


  1. claimCode: The claimCode parameter from the claim link URL.

  2. destination: The recipient address of the tokens.

The redeem method returns tx hash for the claim transaction.

Getting Link Params

To get claim link params via claim code:

const linkParams = await sdk.getLinkParams(
  claimCode: string

To get claim link params via link ID:

const linkParams = await sdk.getLinkParams(
  linkId: string

Getting Link Status

To retrieve link status and some other info via claim code:

const	{ 
} = await sdk.getLinkStatus(
  claimCode: string

You can also retrieve status by link ID as well:

const	{ 
} = await sdk.getLinkStatus(
  linkId: string

Returns an object with the following properties:

  • status: string - The status of the link. Possible values are:

    • "CREATED" - The link has been created but has not yet been claimed.

    • "PENDING" - The link is waiting for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.

    • "CLAIMED" - The link has been successfully claimed.

    • "FAILED" - The claim transaction has failed.

    • "DEACTIVATED" - The link has been deactivated by the campaign creator.

    • "EXPIRED" - The link has expired and can no longer be claimed.

  • recipient: string - The Ethereum address to which the tokens have been sent.

  • linkId: string - The ID of the link.

  • txHash: string - The transaction hash of the claim transaction.

  • claimedAt: number - The UNIX timestamp at which the link was claimed.

  • createdAtBlock: number - The number of the block in which the link was created.

Individual link deactivation is only available when using the SDK. If the user will follow the link that has been deactivated, he will see a corresponding message "Link deactivated"

Last updated