Each error that you will see in the claim should refer to a particular problem, please check our the table below to undestand what may happened:
Wrong request
Incorrect code parameter. Please recheck the code and try again
Asset does not exist
Code not found in database. Either the code (and claim link) does not exist or you are mistyping it
QR not mapped
Link not connected to that code in database. You are opening the unconnected QR, connect QRs when you're ready and try again.
Couldn't get data
Server not responding. Contact support at or try again later.
Seems you're offline
Network error (offline)
QR Server error
Server error. Contact support at or try again later.
Couldn't reach server
Server not responding. Contact support at or try again later.
Claim server error
Server error. Contact support at or try again later.
Transaction failed
Claim transaction failed.
Link has expired
Expired link. The campaign is no longer available, contact sender.
Link deactivated
Link has been deactivated. Link is no longer available, contact sender.
Campaign is paused
Campaign is paused. Claim is temporary unavailable, contact sender.
Campaign is over
Campaign is over (expired). The campaign is no longer available, contact sender.
All tokens have been claimed
All NFTs/ERC20s claimed (no tokens left), contact sender.
Cannot sponsor claim
Not sponsorship MATIC or ETH left on the contract to sponsor transaction, contact sender or pay for gas yourself
Gas price too high
Gas price is higher than the standard limit set for transaction (busy network). Wait or or pay for gas yourself. For more details refer here
Last updated