Keys and installation

Supported networks

Currently, Linkdrop supports the following networks:

  • Ethereum Mainnet

  • Polygon Mainnet


  • Goerli (Ethereum testnet)

  • Mumbai (Polygon testnet)

We can add support of any EVM-based chain by request. Please contact us If you need to use Linkdrop on other networks.

Getting Started

To start using the SDK you will first need to create a campaign, with specific settings on the Distribution tab:

  1. Set up the "Distribution" to SDK.

  2. If you select to "Sponsor claim transactions" in Transaction sponsorship, you will see one more appear below - "Specify number of NFTs". You should enter the amount of tokens that you would like to distribute with SDK for us to initially secure the tokens needed for sponsorship. You can enter the approximate amount of tokens here. Don't worry you will then be able to manually send the sponsorship tokens to the contract if you would like to generate more links with SDK or refund the unused tokens (see Refunding unused tokens)

  3. Сontinue to the final step and launch campaign

  4. On the final screen you will see the "Campaign parameters" section. This is the sensitive data and you should not share it publicly.

  5. Press on the eye icon to see your signing key and encryption key.

Install the SDK to your project using Terminal

yarn add linkdrop-sdk

Initializing SDK

First, import SDK into your code:

import LinkdropSDK from 'linkdrop-sdk'
// or
// const LinkdropSDK = require('linkdrop-sdk').default

To use SDK on a testnet:

// initializing Linkdrop SDK on a testnet (Goerli or Mumbai)
const sdk = new LinkdropSDK({ mode: 'testnets' });

To use SDK on a production network (Ethereum Mainnet or Polygon):

// initializing Linkdrop SDK on a production network 
const sdk = new LinkdropSDK({
  claimHostUrl: ''

claimHostUrl: '' is our default public claim host. If you are using business or enterprize plans and have received the customized claim application, you should enter its host instead of if you intend to use SDK

You can also find all SDK methods here:

Last updated