GET claim-links/:link_id
Fetches claim links params by link ID. Link ID is derived from the Link Key.
- link_id - ID of link
- success: boolean, indicating whether the operation was successful
- data:
- creator_address - address of the user created the campaign
- sponsored - did creator sponsor campaign (boolean)
- chain_id - chain id
- campaign_number - a sequential number for each proxy contract generated by client. For every user starts from 1 and sequentially updated (like a counter) for each new user campaign.
- token_address - contract address of the token
- token_standard - token standard type (erc-721, etc.)
- symbol - token symbol
- wallet - default wallet application for claim (metamask, etc.)
- claim_pattern - the way token will be transfered to user (mint or transfer)
- token_id - token id for the link (always null for ERC20 campaigns)
- token_amount - amount of tokens for the link (always null for ERC721 campaigns)
- sender_signature - signature obtained by signing link id with the signer key (null if the link is not active)
- proxy_contract_version - proxy contract version
- wei_amount - amount of native tokens attached to the link (0 by default)
- expiration_time - UNIX timestamp corresponding to the latest datetime to claim the link
- active - boolean, if link can be claimed.
GET claim-links/:link_id/status
Gets link's data: status, recipient address, claim transaction hash and when it was claimed.
- link_id - ID of the link
- success: boolean, indicating whether the operation was successful
- data:
- link_id - ID of the link
- status - claim status of the link, can be one of the following: "CREATED", "PENDING", "CLAIMED", "FAILED", "DEACTIVATED", "EXPIRED" // #TODO add "CAMPAIGN_PAUSED", "CAMPAIGN_STOPPED"
- recipient - address of the recipient, present only if status is CLAIMED, PENDING, or FAILED
- tx_hash - claim transaction hash, present only if status is CLAIMED, PENDING, or FAILED
- claimed_at_block - block number, when the link was claimed, present only if status is CLAIMED
- created_at - UNIX timestamp, when the link was created
POST claim-links/:link_id/claim
Initiates claim transaction on behalf of a receiver.
- link_id - ID of the link
- receiver_address - Ethereum address to redeem the tokens to
- receiver_signature - ECDSA signature, obtained by reciever by signing the receiver address with the link key.
- success: boolean, indicating whether the operation was successful
- data:
- tx_hash - claim transaction hash
- If claim link is deactivated, the request returns success: false (422 http code error) - "The claim link is deactivated"
- If claim link is not sponsored, the request returns success: false (422 http code error) - "The claim link is not sponsored"
Last updated